Saturday, April 16, 2011

Do You Ever Get Writer's Block?

It is rather a silly question really, because the truth is, every writer in this world has had writer's block in some way or another. Writer's block is kryptonite for writers, especially WriterFreaks like me. It's what we writers call, "Having Trouble Writing." It blocks our muse, and we have no clue where our story is going to go next. More than often I get writer's block, and it is really frustrating. There is no limit to how long writer's block will last. Some writers have it for years!

Many times, writer's block happens because a writer is worried about being perfect. That's what mine is mostly. Twenty times a week when I'm writing I have to remind myself that I shouldn't worry about being perfect. When you're writing, you always have the chance to go back and fix something and then continue from there.

What helps me cure writer's block? I try more than just one tactic. It all depends on the time of day and the situation. Sometimes, I just need to take a short break from the laptop and do something else. Watch a movie perhaps, or read a book, or listen to some music. And more than once, my muse often gets inspired by a movie or a song or a book. A cup of coffee or two sometimes helps also, because it helps keep my mind awake and allows me to think. Going outside and walking around my woods also helps me write, especially when I'm having difficulties trying to figure out how to write the setting of a scene. Every once in a while I will even act a scene out in my bedroom with the door closed. Acting it out often helps because it gives you a sense on what a reader would want to happen next. And it also helps you realize what will make sense and what won't. Many times it helps me realize that to people reading a book it is like watching a movie for them. If you don't put in enough detail for them, then they won't feel like they are in the story. However, if you put in too much, then they will put it away because they can't imagine anything for themselves. That is the one major difference between movies and books. The difference. Because what one character is to one person is completely different to another at times.

So if you ever come across writer's block again, I recommend that you try these tactics. Who knows, they may prove handy. Always remember though, don't worry about being perfect. That's what an editor is for, to tell you what you should fix. And if you don't have one, then find one. Trust me, I know how it feels, I don't have an official editor either. But I always go to different people, who have many different views on editing. Trust me it helps. It also helps give you a wider audience range. Just remember something else too. No matter what, you can't please everyone. Writers are artists who use words to paint pictures, and not everyone is going to love your artwork. Stay strong, and don't give up.

Now for just a random picture:

Yes, it's a leprechaun for good luck. I hope this entry has helped you in case you had writer's block. Good luck and God bless!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Writer I thought I was the only one who acted out my writing! Guess I was wrong! I get stuck quite a bit in my writing but I always seem to get unstuck when I change something up. But I do agree, music is a great remedy for when you have a glitch in poetry!
