Saturday, December 3, 2011

Recent Reading #14

As of yesterday, I officially have finished reading perhaps one of my most favorite sci-fi books, The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells.

War of the Worlds is about Martians who invade England in the early 1900's, my guess some time between World War I and after World War II. The main character's life is turned upside down one evening when a strange extra-terrestial object, seemingly harmless, fall to Earth and by the next day Martians are destroying all of England. The Martians only seek to rid the human dominance over Earth because their world is dying and they want a new planet to live on.

I loved it in case you couldn't already tell. Most alien invasion stories were inspired by this book. But you know what they say, nothing beats the original. :)

1 comment:

  1. I've heard great things about this book! I really need to read it! I'm pretty sure my older brother (who is a sci-fi nerd, lol) read it and LOVED it. :)
