Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Recent Reading 9

I finally managed to snag time in order to work on this new recent reading. The book I recently read a few days ago was Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Last Olympian.

In this book, Percy Jackson and his friends at Camp Half-Blood must defend Olympus against Kronus's oncoming assault, which turns into a war spread all across New York City. The gods and goddesses are off fighting against their other enemies, and Olympus is virtually unguarded. And more than likely, it is Olympus's last stand.

What did I think of it? I actually thought it was good. I do have a couple of complaints though. For one, the battle seems a little long. I love books with battles in them, but this one just seemed to be dragged out. I also have a quip about the ending (which I won't spoil for you.) Other than that though, I thought it was good. Fair warning, lots of violence and intense scenes.

1 comment:

  1. My cousin has these books and I've kinda wondered about them... Though I doubt he'd ever loan them to me, just the same as I most likely wouldn't loan him many of my books! We're stingy when it comes to books! :P
